I feel like I just arrived at the party...

Athleisure Plus Size Shopping

I remember a few years ago when I was hesitant to buy or wear any sort of athletic wear outside of pajamas I'd wear around the house. I felt like the items weren't for me, or someone would call me out (maybe if only in their head) to say that clearly I'm NOT working out if I'm XX size. None of that is true by the way, health cannot be determined by size, but our society and culture likes to imply and make us think otherwise.

I'm not exactly sure when those thoughts left, but they did.  When I dress like this now, I feel empowered.  Not because I'm out there lifting weights or running miles (I'm not, trust me) but because I enjoy the clothes and I took that joy back for me. 

Clothes and health are often hyper focused on this time of year.  I've pretty much removed all diet culture from my feed (you mention diet, before and after, how you can FEEL better if you just lose.... my unfollow button action is strong!) but I do tend to see plenty of posts about how it's important to slow shop or participate in "no-buy" challenges.  I full heartedly support these IF that is what you truly want to do.  But there are other perspectives to consider too...

As a plus size woman, who for many years didn't have the option to dress in all the options or have access to the different styles, I don't really subscribe to those limits, challenges or parameters in my clothing choices.  Do I need to be thoughtful about purchases and make sure they work for me?  Yes, of course.  Do I want to make sure I'm doing what I can to support inclusive and thoughtful brands - again, yes (but if I'm shopping there, they are likely inclusive in size at least).  But do I need to have the weight of a new "trend" to participate in a no-buy or slow shop year stop my joy from trying out new styles and new clothes? Absolutely not!  

I feel like I just arrived at the party.  The party might be over in a few minutes, but dang-it, I want to dance.  So that's what I'll do.  Wear the clothes that make me feel good --- and dance. 

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