Budget Friendly Winter to Spring Casual T-Shirts

Athleisure Capsule Wardrobe Closet Staples Old Navy Plus Size Shopping Plus Size Style Round-Up Size Inclusive Spring Style Try-On Wal-mart

Let me first start off with an apology.  I filmed try-on videos almost the entire day today (which means multiple real life pics will be coming your way!) - but for this round-up of 7 budget friendly, winter to spring casual t-shirts, I forgot to take pictures.  So I had to go in and grab screenshots to have images to share.  The good news? It's me wearing the clothes "in action".  The bad news?  It's not the best quality - and for that I'm sorry.
This try-on directly relates to the ORM Spring 22 Mini-Athleisure Capsule that was released less than 10 days ago!  Many of these shirts show up as examples in that capsule.  I ordered them to try out and decide what I was going to use for my own personal capsule over the next 4-6 weeks.  If you're interested in a 12 piece athleisure, size inclusive wardrobe to carry you into spring, make sure to check the capsule out.  I've included the links, sizing info of what size I'm wearing and current pricing of each shirt underneath the picture.  Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram if you have any questions!
More to come soon!

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